Why Should I Hire a Pest Control Company to Protect My Property?

May 07, 2021

When pests pop up on your property or sneak into your home, it’s tempting to try and get rid of them on your own. You can find all kinds of chemicals at the hardware store that claim to be effective. Plus, the internet is full of “genius hacks” that just might work. Why should you hire a pest control company when you can DIY something out of obscure ingredients and a little duct tape? Check out our reasons for hiring a pest control professional vs. DIY below.


Depending on the type of pest in your home, it may not be wise to get too close. Also, many drugstore products contain chemicals that can be harmful to pets or children. A professional will know the safest and most effective ways to treat the problem without putting your family or pets at risk.


Sometimes identifying the species of pest is not as easy as it seems. Pest control companies can accurately assess the exact species they are dealing with, enabling them to customize treatment accordingly. They will know the best ways to deal with different problems and can take out the guesswork.

Long-Term Solutions

A pest control specialist has been trained to understand the behavior of the insects and animals invading your space. They can most likely figure out what attracted them to your home in the first place and advise you on how to keep them away in the future. They will also be able to implement long-term pest control solutions, so you won’t have to worry about constant maintenance.

Time & Money

One of the main reasons many homeowners choose to DIY their pest control is to save on the cost of hiring someone. Ironically, these homeowners often spend quite a bit on sprays, traps, and other products that don’t last very long. You can also end up spending an hour or two every other weekend trying to keep pests away. When you combine the cost of both your time and the money spent on products, you may find that hiring someone is worth it in the long run.

Unseen Problems

It’s not uncommon to spot a bug or two, squash it, and move on with your life. But what if you end up with an actual infestation? In some cases, you may not even realize the extent of the problem until you have tried unsuccessfully to eliminate it. For example, termites excel at hiding inside walls, attics, and other places you may not frequent but are essential to your home’s structural integrity. It doesn’t take long for them to do quite a bit of damage, which will end up costing you a lot in repairs. Regular pest control from a professional will help manage and prevent these types of problems.

Proterra Pest Control

Why should you hire a pest control company instead of DIY pest solutions? Safety, consistency, and results!

Contact the experts at Proterra Pest Control to learn more about how we can help you keep your home pest-free. Don’t waste time on DIY solutions that don’t last. Let us help you keep pests away year-round.

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