Are Dirt Daubers Dangerous?

kphelps • Sep 11, 2022

Wasps have a reputation for being a rather nasty bunch. Generally considered more bad-tempered than bees, they’ve gained a reputation for stinging first and asking questions later. Not all wasps are the same, however. Some are more docile than others. Dirt daubers, also known as mud daubers, are one example of a more docile species of wasp.

A Deceptive Appearance

 If you’ve ever seen a dirt dauber, you know they have an intimidating appearance. Their bright colors, true wasp waist, and menacing abdomen are enough to warn anyone away. Despite their rather aggressive appearance, however, they are not aggressive, even when it comes to protecting their nests. Instead, they are relatively docile and rarely sting humans. Their stings are generally reserved for spiders, their preferred food.

A Helpful Neighbor

As a predator of spiders, dirt daubers are a natural form of pest control. That can be especially helpful for people who live in areas that are populated with more dangerous spider varieties, such as black widows. Black widows are preferred prey for dirt daubers. Dirt daubers trick spiders into thinking they are a bug caught in the spider’s web. When the spider comes to investigate, the dirt dauber delivers a paralyzing sting before bringing the spider back to the dirt dauber’s nest. There, the spider is packed into one of the nest’s cells to serve as food for the dirt dauber’s young.

A Nest Removed

While dirt daubers can be excellent spider control, that doesn’t mean you want them building their nests on your house. If you notice a dirt dauber nest in an area where you don’t want it, you can try removing it yourself. Take a paint scraper or knife and scrape the nest into a dust pan to move it somewhere where you don’t mind them making a home. This is best done in the late evening when they are less active, or during the winter when they are dormant. Alternatively, you can call Proterra Pest Control to handle it for you.

Sometimes insects look a lot more intimidating than their personalities would suggest. Dirt daubers look scary, but they’re beneficial–especially if you have a spider problem. That doesn’t mean you necessarily want them around your home, though. Just because they’re not prone to aggression doesn’t mean you want to find yourself on the wrong side of their stingers.

Not all wasps are as docile as dirt daubers. Click here for tips from Proterra Pest Control on how to deal with more aggressive species of wasps around your home.

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